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PATH Empowers Interns to Strive Towards the UN’s 17 Global Goals

Erik Ma

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

The Global Goals—17 goals for a better world by 2030. Including gender equality, environmental protection, and basic rights such as clean water and food, the Global Goals strive to build a brighter and more sustainable future. These goals were agreed on by the 193 countries of the United Nations, joining in a common mission to improve quality of life everywhere.

During the January 6th weekly meeting, a PATH representative came to teach our interns about UN’s Global Goals. Interns shared goals that resonated with them, and what goals they wish to help with in their own communities. In particular, Good Health and Well-Being (Goal 3) as well as Quality Education (Goal 4) drew the most fervent support from our interns. In discussing how to incorporate these missions into our everyday lives, interns suggested behaviors such as recycling, preventing wastage, and becoming civically involved.

To further promote the global goals to our community, interns were invited to join PATH’s training to give similar presentations to local schools and organizations.

The discussion sessions’ date and location will be later posted on the website.




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